Rendah hati mungkin adalah sebuah kata yang hampir hilang dari perbendaharaan bahasa kita. Hampir setiap hari kita mendengar atau menyaksikan betapa para pemimpin kita, para elite politik dan pejabat publik menunjukkan arogansi kekuasaan atau jabatannya. Pertikaian politik di antara para pemimpin sesungguhnya telah memberi gambaran yang jelas tentang betapa mereka sungguh merasa dirinya paling benar, paling mewakili rakyat, dan paling mengerti persoalan.
Demikian halnya dengan para pakar dan pengamat politik, ekonomi dan sosial. Semuanya berlomba-lomba untuk memberikan komentarnya kepada publik dengan rasa diri paling benar dan orang lain paling salah. Kita memang tidak perlu mengatakan bahwa saudara kita tinggi hati, sombang, high profile, arogan, selalu ingin dihormati dan diistimewakan, tidak mau mendengar, tidak mau melayani, karena hal itu sama dengan kita juga tidak memiliki kerendahan hati.
Kerendahan hati merupakan salah satu bahan (ingredients) yang paling penting dalam karakter seseorang yang telah menemukan jati dirinya, disamping integritas, pasrah, rela memaafkan dan pengendalian diri. Mengenai topik integritas, dan rela memaafkan telah dibahas dalam rubrik Mandiri beberapa waktu lalu. Sedangkan topik pasrah akan dibahas dalam edisi mendatang.
Kerendahan hati juga merupakan salah satu indikator dari tingginya kecerdasan spiritual seseorang. Seorang yang tidak bisa menunjukan sikap atau karakter rendah hati, berarti belum mencapai kedamaian dengan dirinya. Dari hasil riset yang dilakukan oleh Gay Hendrick, PhD dan Kate Ludeman, PhD terhadap 800-an manajer perusahaan yang mereka tangani selama 25 tahun, salah satu kesimpulannya adalah bahwa para pemimpin yang berhasil membawa perusahaan atau organisasinya ke puncak kesuksesan biasanya adalah orang yang memiliki integritas, mampu menerima kritik, rendah hati, dan mengenal dirinya dengan baik.Para pemimpin yang sukses ini ternyata memiliki kecerdasan spiritual yang jauh lebih tinggi dari manusia rata-rata. Mereka justru adalh manusia yang rendah hati.
Berikut ini adalah sejumlah karakteristik atau ciri-ciri dai seseorang yang memliki sifat rendah hati. Jika kita memiliki salah satu saja dari ciri-ciri ini, berarti kita memiliki kecerdasan spiritual yang lebih baik dibanding kita tidak memilikinya.
Mau Melayani
Memandang Setiap Individu Unik, Istimewa, dan Penting
Mau Mendengar dan Menerima Kritik
Menang Tanpa Ngasorake, Ngalah Tapi Ora Kalah
Berani Mengakui Kesalahan dan Meminta Maaf
Rela Memaafkan
Lemah Lembut dan Penuh Pengendalian Diri
Mengutamakan Kepentingan Yang Lebih Besar
Selasa, 28 Februari 2012
Senin, 27 Februari 2012
SUPERNATURAL SEASON 7 EPS 16 (March 16, 2012)
Last week’s Supernatural episode functioned more as the season six finale than the season seven premiere, tying up loose ends and giving closure to the dominant arcs of the previous season. This week’s episode, “Hello, Cruel World” launches what promises to be the driving action for season seven- Sam, Dean, and Bobby’s attempts to fight Leviathan (the Leviathan? Not sure about that one). We pick up right where last week left off, with Cas all but gone and the Leviathan having taken over his body (or, more accurately, Jimmy’s body). This promised to make for an interesting season, with our Big Bad wearing the face of a long-trusted ally. Edlund quickly subverts expectation, however, and gives us the (probably not permanent, knowing how these things go) death of Cas, trench coat and all. The moment spent in grief is appropriate, but missing, for this fan at least, was a mention of Jimmy. Cas isn’t the only one that died in that water.
The montage of people using and playing in water were a bit on the nose, but effective none the less. This felt more like the setup for a new series, not just a season, with Sam and Dean having to hunt down the BlackOozyBadGuysFromPurgatory one episode at a time. Once again, expectations are subverted, with a hierarchy almost immediately established, as well as a plan of some sort. The casting of the nameless baddies is fun, though they are a bit slow at assimilating, given that even the one possessing the young girl should know about the internet. Benito Martinez looks to be having fun in a role very different from his most prominent TV credit, as David Aceveda on The Shield. Olivia Steele-Falconer is also good in her brief stint and Edlund’s inclusion of Doctor Sexy, MD as a plot point is hilarious. Edlund, a genre fan favorite well known for his creation of The Tick, as well as for writing Firefly’s “Jaynestown”, can usually be relied upon to bring the funny, and this is no expectation.
Supernatural has had success with creepy hospitals in the past, though they tend more frequently towards mental wards than the more standard for their horror settings. Nosocomephobia, or fear of hospitals, is rather common and the cinematography and direction of the episode play to this, highlighting the impersonality of the setting and the coldness of the blank, white walls. As in the previous episode, this week sees the return of a prominent guest star from the past, Sheriff Jody Mills. Adding this personal touch does a lot to up the audience’s fear and immediately invests them in the situation. It’s been long enough since Sheriff Mill’s last appearance that one would be forgiven for forgetting her face, particularly if they missed the “Previously On…”, and the decision to hold off on her name until her call to Bobby, to not have the Doctor read it off the chart or somesuch, allows for an instant shot of stakes and gravitas just when the hospital storyline starts becoming less interesting than Sam’s scenes with Lucifer.
Dad wants us to pick up what he left off. Saving people. Hunting things. Family business.
When someone’s gone they should stay gone.
What’s dead should stay dead.
You said yourself once, and no matter what we do, they’re gone and they’re never coming back.
I’m tired of this job.. this live.. this weight of my shoulder, man. I.m tired of this stuff, Sam.
Right before dad died, he told me something. He told me something about you…
For the last time , Sam. No.
i don’t now how the whole thing went down exactly… but dad’s dead because of me.
I was dead. And I should stay dead.
What could you possibly say to make that all right?
Crossroad’s where pacts are made.
When someone’s gone they should stay gone.
What’s dead should stay dead.
You said yourself once, and no matter what we do, they’re gone and they’re never coming back.
I’m tired of this job.. this live.. this weight of my shoulder, man. I.m tired of this stuff, Sam.
Right before dad died, he told me something. He told me something about you…
For the last time , Sam. No.
i don’t now how the whole thing went down exactly… but dad’s dead because of me.
I was dead. And I should stay dead.
What could you possibly say to make that all right?
Crossroad’s where pacts are made.
Kamis, 02 Februari 2012
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